Liability of WhatsApp Group Admin: Current position in India

Liability of WhatsApp Group Admin: Current position in India

Blog, Cyber & Technology Laws
Introduction The outreach of social media messaging is increasing exponentially and so are the potential legal ramifications of any imprudent remarks made through such platforms. Recently, a YouTuber from Ludhiana in Punjab was arrested1 for alleged objectionable racial remarks against an MLA (and former cabinet minister) from Arunachal Pradesh. The YouTuber has been booked under sections 124A (sedition), 153A (promoting enmity between different groups on ground of religion, race, place of birth, residence, language, etc), 505(2) (Statements conducing to public mischief) of the IPC in Itanagar (Arunachal Pradesh). Without going into the merits of this specific case and other similar cases (involving Twitter or Facebook as the messaging platform) or the constitutional validity of application of sedition law in such cases or the extent of restrictions on free speech under…
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Smart Contracts – The Next Gen Contracts in India

Smart Contracts – The Next Gen Contracts in India

Blog, Cyber & Technology Laws
Introduction Smart contracts are the next generation contracts that deploy automation to execute on their own based on the fulfillment of the pre-defined stipulations of a contract. This is step forward from the traditional contracts and brings in the usage of technology and automated processing in this arena of legal world. In simple terms, Smart contracts are snippets of code on a decentralized network like Blockchain and are automatically executed on fulfillment of certain conditions.  The code for these contacts are written by developers and the programs are made to execute as and when the terms of the agreement are fulfilled. Smart contracts usage can be seen in simple as well as complex agreements. Simple application of smart contract can be seen in case of online registration of property.  More…
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Phishing Scams: Sophisticated Cyber Crimes in India

Phishing Scams: Sophisticated Cyber Crimes in India

Blog, Cyber & Technology Laws
Digital Technology has become an integral part of our daily lives. It is unimaginable to separate digital platforms and interfaces from our daily routine. With the advent of next gen mobile technology innovations for the betterment of our lives, we have the world literally at our fingertips. Technology is changing how we live in the digital and connected world. With these developments the criminals have also become Hi-Tech. Phishing in the cyber world has become bolder, organized and sophisticated from what it was a decade ago. In this article, we discuss on Phishing, its types and variations (including UPI Fraud, Online Job Scams, Online Lottery Scams, Bank KYC and Insurance Scams, Nigerian 419 Scams), how to avoid phishing scams and the legal remedies available for victims of phishing (and UPI…
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