Consumer Protection Act 2019: The Salient Features

Consumer Protection Act 2019: The Salient Features

Blog, Consumer Laws
Introduction – Objective of Consumer Protection Act, 2019 Consumer Protection Act, 2019 (hereafter referred to as the New Act or CP Act, 2019) has come into force effective July 20th, 2020. The 2019 act replaces the erstwhile Consumer Protection Act, 1986. There has been enormous transformation in the business and commerce space in the last three decades. The emergence of e-commerce, digital payment gateways and global supply chains have led to easy access to large variety of goods and services across the globe for consumers. This modernization has also rendered the consumer vulnerable to newer forms of unethical and unfair trade practices. E-Commerce has posed newer set of challenges that required the legislative intervention to enact the laws keeping in mind consumer interest in the modern trade and market conditions.…
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Smart Contracts – The Next Gen Contracts in India

Smart Contracts – The Next Gen Contracts in India

Blog, Cyber & Technology Laws
Introduction Smart contracts are the next generation contracts that deploy automation to execute on their own based on the fulfillment of the pre-defined stipulations of a contract. This is step forward from the traditional contracts and brings in the usage of technology and automated processing in this arena of legal world. In simple terms, Smart contracts are snippets of code on a decentralized network like Blockchain and are automatically executed on fulfillment of certain conditions.  The code for these contacts are written by developers and the programs are made to execute as and when the terms of the agreement are fulfilled. Smart contracts usage can be seen in simple as well as complex agreements. Simple application of smart contract can be seen in case of online registration of property.  More…
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Privacy by Design – Proactive approach in Digital Economy

Privacy by Design – Proactive approach in Digital Economy

Blog, Data Privacy & Protection
Privacy by Design has evolved as the nucleus of the data protection framework being adopted across the world. It is the fundamental pre-requisite towards achieving the goal of developing next generation systems that provide robust protection to the data that these systems handle. It has also become a key element for privacy compliance for the organizations that are processing large volumes of personal data. We believe that - Sanctity of data should be paramount consideration for the growth of digital economy, one that is free and fair and respects privacy of individuals. The key elements that constitute Privacy by Design, its framework and its implementation in the Indian context are discussed below: The Data Element In the current digital world, our reliance on technology and systems has increased manifolds and…
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